Frequently Asked Questions

How should I use Sea Moss?

- Sea moss can be used in varieties, as it is a natural binding agent. You can add a teaspoon of the gel to your smoothies, add it to soup recipes, pastries, salad or consume a teaspoon just like that from the jar. It can be used as yeast replacement for raw deserts and for baked treats.  Since it's a mineral rich product, you can use it for skin care as well, as it helps improve eczema, psoriasis, and acne breakouts.

- Sea Moss is a natural binding agent and can be used in, for example, smoothies, soups, pastries and salads. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more inspiration.

How is the gel made?

Sun-dried Sea Moss is first soaked in alkaline water and fresh key limes, for 8-24 hours, to get as much of the sea like taste out. After rinsing the soaked Sea Moss 2-3 times, we then blend it with fresh water and a few drops of fresh lime to form a gel, without further additions. We only work with water directly from a natural source.

How much time do I have to finish my Sea Moss after receiving it?

Depending on how Sea Moss Gel is stored, it can last up to 4 weeks, but always keep it refrigerated. Our Sea Moss Gel is always sent with a reusable cool pack, so that it also arrives cooled. If you decide to freeze your Sea Moss, it can last up to a year in the Freezer.

What is the recommended Dose of Sea Moss?

We recommendone tablespoon per day to experience all the benefits of Sea Moss.Dr. Sebi famously said you can’t overdose on Sea Moss, so consuming more is not a problem.

Can you use Sea Moss while pregnant?

We would recommend to consult your doctor of trust for this, because everyone reacts differently, but we definitely
recommend using it after a pregnancy to recharge and get strong again.

What is Sea Moss for?

- Sea moss is for boosting your immune system and an ideal for protection from colds, and diseases like Covid-19 which affect the immune system.

- Sea Moss is good for a higher libido, faster metabolism and softer ,smoother skin.

What are the illnesses and complaints that using sea moss can help alleviate?

- Research (2012) from the Teagasc Food Research Center found that seaweed, including
Irish moss, helps prevent high blood pressure as well as cardiovascular disease. This is due to the discovery of a peptide in seaweed that inhibits renin. Previous research by the scientists at this centre has shown that seaweed, including Irish moss, can help lower blood pressure, even at the same strength as some prescription drugs. In addition, it turned out that Irish moss can help to prevent obesity.

- Researches have also shown
improvements for cystitis, urinary tract problems, colds, poor blood sugar regulation (diabetes), bronchitis, trouble sleeping, asthma, bad breath, intestinal blockage, chronic diarrhoea, spastic bowel, osteoarthritis, kidney disorders, heart disease and stomach ulcers.

Is Sea Moss suitable for children?

Yes, it is ,of course , suitable for children because of the high amount in essential Vitamins and minerals. However children might not like it directly, because of the very light salty, sea flavour it has. We therefore recommend a teaspoon of the fruit infused gels we offer, especially for the young ones.

Farmed or Wild Sea Moss?

Our Sea Moss comes from the Atlantic Ocean along the shorelines of St.Lucia, harvested by certified farmers. St.Lucia, with
Jamaica, is on of the 2 spots rank as the most mineral-rich for Sea Moss in the 'superfood community'.

I have placed an order but haven’t received my confirmation Email.

You have placed an order, but have not yet received a confirmation email? Your Mailbox might view our Email as Spam. Please check your spam or junk email.

When will my product be back in stock?

We strive to always have our products in stock, however we are dealing with nature. There are certain seasons when sea moss grows less and that can affect our stock. Nevertheless, we always aim to have all our products in stock.

Do you ship internationally?

As of now we only ship within the Netherlands. With your help we hope to ship internationally as well soon.

Which payment methods do you offer?

We currently offer payments with iDeal and credit card.