How should I use Sea Moss?
- Sea moss can be used in varieties, as it is a natural binding agent. You can add a teaspoon of the gel to your smoothies, add it to soup recipes, pastries, salad or consume a teaspoon just like that from the jar. It can be used as yeast replacement for raw deserts and for baked treats. Since it's a mineral rich product , you can use it for skin care as well, as it helps improve eczema, psoriasis, and acne breakouts.
- Sea Moss is a natural binding agent and can be used in, for example, smoothies, soups,
pastries and salads. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more inspiration.
How is the gel made?
Sun-dried Sea Moss is first soaked in alkaline water and fresh key limes, for 8-24 hours, to get as much of the sea like taste out. After rinsing the soaked Sea Moss 2-3 times, we then blend it with fresh water and a few drops of fresh lime to form a gel, without further additions. We only work with water directly from a natural source.
What is therecommended Dose of Sea Moss?
We recommend one tablespoon per day to experience all the benefits of Sea Moss. Dr. Sebi famously said you can’t overdose on Sea Moss, so consuming more is not a problem.
How muchtime do I have to finish my Sea Moss after receiving it?
Depending on how Sea Moss Gel is stored, it can last up to 4 weeks, but always keep it refrigerated. Our Sea Moss Gel is always sent with a reusable cool pack, so that it also arrives cooled. If you decide to freeze your Sea Moss, it can last up to a year in the Freezer.